Monday, 18 April 2011

Free resources to prepare for SAT II Physics exam

There are very few free resources available on the Internet to help you prepare for SAT II Physics exam. Sparknotes is the only one that we used and would recommend to other students.

The other free resource that most people ignore is Whenever there was something that we didn't quite understand or simply wanted to find out more about something, we looked up on wikipedia. You will be very surprised on how much that process actually can help you understand the topic you are studying.

For example, when we were studying waves, there were a lot of talks on "single slit" on both Princeton Review and Barron's books. We felt a bit lost after reading the text and we looked it up on "wikipedia" and it redirected us to Diffraction. We were surprised at the beginning, but after some thinking, it actually makes a lot of sense.

Then we saw this photo on the wiki page and all of sudden, the text on the books all start to make sense. Reading these black prints on the write paper can becoming really boring, especially when the exam is only weeks away and the pressure is mounting. Study these colorful pictures taken from the Physics lab can really spice things up a little and I'm sure the memory cells last a longer too. On the same page, there is another picture taken from the experiment of "diffraction grating", where it is so bright in the middle.

So whenever you are confused by what these experiment of single slit and double (multiple) slits are trying to prove, just think of these two pictures and it immediately clear things up and it eventually helps you answer some of the questions too.

From next post, I will start sharing some of the study notes we made.

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